Movies are memorable because of the feeling the story gives you.
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About the Author: Good For You
Good For You's Story
In 2006 Jeffrey Cobelli, an Emerson College graduate, started working his way into the movie, film, TV and video industry with 3 internships at post production companies that were editing high end commercials. The lessons learned from those editors were invaluable. But Jeffrey soon experienced some dicey freelance jobs directing low budget music videos. In 2008 Jeffrey was hired to film a humanitarian trip in the Dominican Republic and it changed his life (spiritually and professionally). Films and storytelling were the key.
Good for You Productions was founded in 2009 when Jeffrey Cobelli produced his first documentary, Someday Melissa.
Since then, Good for You has worked on everything from commercials, movies and documentaries, to testimonials, corporate videos, and social media videos.
Jeffrey has worked to bring in jobs that were good for the soul, good for businesses, good for everyone. Fun Facts: Jeffrey is an Optavia health coach, stand up comic, loves baseball, and has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro.
Natalie, a Brooklyn College graduate, has been with Good for You since 2012. She started as an intern, graduated up to an assistant editor and production assistant, began taking on projects as the main editor, started learning motion graphics, and is now a producer and partner of the company. At Good for You Productions, Natalie is able to marry her love for animation and film production to help tell the best stories she can. Fun Facts: Natalie loves Pixar, hiking, lists, and is a lifetime Girl Scout member.
Jeffrey and Natalie come together to make powerful storytelling combination. While interviews and story development is Jeffrey's main abilities and duties; Natalie's creative ideas, attention to detail, technical abilities are critical skills. The combination of these assets enables your story to come to life.
And that's our goal. We have vision with purpose. That's what makes us different. We care about your story and we’d love to help you share that story with the world.
Jeffrey Cobelli and Natalie Chau
Good For You Productions
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